I'm Dana Sandy, Mom and enthusiastic Product Manager. Join me as I balance mom life and bootstrap ideas into products.

UX Research

When I started working on my passion project, I had a specific product in mind, complete with the features based on my personal experiences. I am a parent of four children, who attend public school and one child with unique learning needs, I felt I had a great understanding of the needs and...

Becoming an Agile Mom

I grew up with a family whose motto was we can do it all! I had heard it so many times growing up that I never stopped to considered what it meant. As I moved through life, I simply did what I saw everyone around me doing before; so I precariously juggled a full-time shift job, a side business,...

Passion Projects

Over the last few years, I have hesitated to start my own projects. Some of the excuses I have used include: "I don't have time." "I get too absorbed in my work." "There has to be somebody already working on what I am thinking about." While some of these excuses may...