I'm Dana Sandy, Mom and enthusiastic Product Manager. Join me as I balance mom life and bootstrap ideas into products.

ChatGPT and Me

I ventured into the blogging world a couple of years ago and never really continued. As I look back I realize my biggest obstacle was myself. I would start off excited, but then I would overanalyze my writing, which would lead to me editing incessantly, until eventually I would have to stop,...

Educators & tech - My family journey

My son stood surveying the mini brand toys; with birthday money in his wallet, he declared, “These prices are outrageous!” disappointed his money wouldn’t go far as he liked. I reminded him that he had a choice on how to spend his money and left him to think. He stared at the price tag, then at...

Take the risk, Dream.

In early November, I was excited. I had a planned vacation coming up, I was working with a team of people just as passionate as I was about creating and improving products, and I was starting to figure out work-life balance with my remote job. Then like so many others corporations, lay-offs started...